I've always liked orthogonal views. I find tidy, reduced and understandable pictures fascinating, regardless of the genre in which they are assigned. In the project 'Straight-up' I try to implement exactly these criteria and to show the planes photographically as they can only be seen for a fraction of a second during landing or take-off.
At the same time, this perspective shows how different the aircraft types are and what importance the bottom view of an aircraft has for the operator. The underside is often simply left blank, but there are also other examples in which they become deliberately part of the aircraft painting.
With the 'Straight-up' project, I'm trying to photographically combine two independent claims: documentation and interpretation. Documenting the bottom view of an aircraft fuselage as precisely as possible and at the same time hiding all disturbing elements and thus emphasizing the aesthetics of the aircraft towards the desired result. For the perfect photo, several conditions that can hardly be influenced, such as light, shooting position and flight path, must be met.